
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Carved Moulding, Part II

I seem to keep doing the same thing of forgetting to put the memory card back into the camera, over and over, which is making me nuts. This time I did it with an even more spectacular twist. I attended a woodworking shop with Peter Follansbee at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking (a fun place that turned out to be) and discovered, on day four, that all the pictures which had been taken at the workshop, the pictures of my carving of the moulding from the week before I left, and the pictures I took when I delivered the table just before I left, were all figments of my imagination, because the card had not been in the camera for two weeks. To top it off, when I left the workshop, I forgot the camera, and had to have it shipped to me this past week. Thus, there has not been much to post on this blog.

The staff at Marc Adams' were very kind and they took care of getting the camera to Fedex so it could be shipped. I now have it back, and can show the few pictures I did manage to get of the carved moulding project. This is what I have been working very intensely on for the past few weeks, (with the interim break for the workshop) so have been extremely busy. This past week I have been doing a lot of installation on the job.
One corner done and its twin in the works

I will post some more pictures of this project once some parts of the installed moulding are finished so people can actually see what it is I am doing with these.

Top half of the upper corners, the lower half of these must be carved from
pieces of timber that have the grain running the other way

Upper crest carving. The larger panels will use this central motif, but will
have additional carvings on both sides to make the overall design longer

I am always advocating using hand tools, but in some cases, where the use of machines would not affect the outcome of the final product, (for example, if I buy timber from the sawmill, it has been cut by machines, but it is rough and must still be worked with a plane to create furniture) I sometimes use machinery. This was the case for re-sawing the timbers which I used to split the plank for cutting out the carved sections. The band saw I used however, is not large enough, and therefore I had no choice but to do this piece by hand; good thing I know how!

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